The Ultimate Guide to Histamine Intolerance and the Best Low Histamine Recipes

Aug 11, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Histamine Intolerance and the Best Low Histamine Recipes

Aug 11, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Histamine Intolerance and the Best Low Histamine Recipes

Aug 11, 2023


Histamine intolerance is a lesser-known condition that can significantly impact your quality of life. As a natural compound, histamine plays a crucial role in the body's immune response. However, if you struggle to break down histamine efficiently, it can accumulate and lead to various uncomfortable symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore histamine intolerance, its causes, and symptoms, and most importantly, we'll show you how embracing a low histamine diet with delicious low histamine recipes can effectively manage the condition and enhance your overall well-being.

The Role of Histamine in the Body

Histamine is a vital chemical produced by the immune system in response to various triggers, such as allergens or tissue injury. When an injury occurs or the body encounters an allergen, mast cells release histamine as part of the inflammatory response. Histamine then binds to specific receptors on nearby cells, triggering a series of reactions that cause blood vessels to dilate, increase blood flow, and allow immune cells to reach the affected area. This process helps isolate and eliminate potential threats while initiating the healing process.

When Histamine Goes Rogue: Histamine Intolerance

When histamine intolerance occurs, your body faces challenges in properly metabolizing histamine, leading to an excessive buildup that surpasses the body's capacity to handle. This surplus histamine can wreak havoc within the body, as it acts on various systems and receptors, triggering a cascade of disruptive reactions. When histamine goes rogue, it can dilate blood vessels, leading to headaches and migraines. It can also cause skin reactions, such as hives and eczema, due to increased vascular permeability. In the digestive system, excessive histamine can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal disturbances. Furthermore, histamine can influence neurotransmitters in the brain, potentially contributing to anxiety and sleep disturbances.

What Causes of Histamine Intolerance?

The causes of histamine intolerance can vary widely from person to person, and several factors may contribute to its development. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition that impairs their ability to produce enough DAO enzymes, the primary enzyme responsible for breaking down histamine in the body. Furthermore, various health conditions and lifestyle factors can also play a role.

Possible causes of histamine intolerance include:

  • genetic predisposition: Some individuals may have genetic variations that affect the production or function of DAO enzymes, leading to reduced histamine breakdown.

  • medications: Certain medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and histamine blockers, can interfere with DAO production or function, increasing histamine levels.

  • allergies: Allergic reactions can stimulate the release of histamine in the body, leading to symptoms of histamine intolerance.

  • gut health imbalance: Conditions like leaky gut syndrome, gut dysbiosis, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), gastrointestinal bleeding, and gastrointestinal infections can disrupt the gut's delicate balance and contribute to histamine intolerance.

  • mastocytosis: This condition involves an excessive number of mast cells, which release histamine and other inflammatory substances.

  • chronic use of histamine blockers or NSAIDs: Long-term use of medications that block histamine or DAO can lead to histamine buildup.

  • Celiac Disease: People with celiac disease may experience histamine intolerance due to gut inflammation and compromised DAO function.

  • Crohn's Disease: Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's can disrupt gut integrity, affecting DAO function.

  • alcohol consumption: Alcohol can stimulate the release of histamine and reduce DAO activity.

Symptoms and Impact of Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance can result in a wide range of symptoms, affecting each person uniquely. While some of these symptoms may resemble those of allergies, it is essential to distinguish that histamine intolerance is not a true allergy itself. The underlying reason for this diversity in symptoms lies in histamine's ability to trigger an inflammatory response throughout various systems in the body, leading to a host of uncomfortable and sometimes vague manifestations.

Common symptoms of histamine intolerance include:

  • anxiety

  • asthma

  • brain fog

  • digestive problems

  • dizziness or vertigo

  • eczema

  • fatigue

  • flushing

  • frequent headaches or migraines

  • hives

  • hormone imbalances

  • irritability

  • low blood pressure

  • migraines

  • nausea

  • racing heart

  • rashes

  • swelling

The Connection Between Histamine and Hormones in Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance and hormone regulation are intricately linked, and estrogen plays a pivotal role in this complex relationship. The levels of estrogen in the body can have a significant impact on both the production and breakdown of histamine. Elevated estrogen levels can lead to increased histamine release while concurrently reducing the activity of the diamine oxidase (DAO) enzyme, which is responsible for breaking down histamine. Consequently, histamine intolerance symptoms may intensify and become more pronounced.

Some women with histamine intolerance report experiencing flare-ups of symptoms during different phases of their menstrual cycle. This is believed to be linked to the hormonal changes, particularly those involving estrogen and progesterone, that occur during the menstrual cycle. Fluctuations in estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle can potentially affect DAO activity and histamine metabolism, leading to an accumulation of histamine and the onset of histamine intolerance symptoms.

Progesterone also plays a role in immune responses and inflammation. Some women may find that their histamine intolerance symptoms worsen during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which occurs after ovulation and is characterized by higher levels of progesterone.

Tracking your menstrual cycle and cycle-related symptoms with a tool like the kahla app can help you identify the ways in which hormonal fluctuations may be influencing your well-being and histamine intolerance symptoms.

Diagnosing Histamine Intolerance

Diagnosing histamine intolerance can be challenging, especially considering its overlapping symptoms with other conditions. If you suspect histamine intolerance, seeking professional guidance from a healthcare expert is essential in order to uncover the root cause of your symptoms.

Potential diagnostic methods for histamine intolerance include:

  • food diary: Keeping a detailed food diary ca help you understand the correlation between symptoms various foods. The kahla app makes it easy to track food, as well as your symptoms and lifestyle factors, so you can identify potential triggers that may be contributing to your symptoms.

  • histamine intolerance test: While no standardized test exists to definitively diagnose histamine intolerance, a histamine intolerance test can measure DAO enzyme levels and histamine levels in the blood or urine. Although not providing a conclusive diagnosis, this test offers valuable insights to support the overall assessment.

  • histamine pinprick test: The histamine pinprick test evaluates your body's response to histamine exposure. While not serving as a definitive test, it can provide suggestive evidence of histamine intolerance when used in conjunction with other diagnostic methods.

When addressing histamine intolerance, healthcare professionals often recommend a step-by-step approach to identify trigger factors and find the most effective solutions. Rather than immediately jumping into a low histamine diet, they may suggest starting with a broader dietary approach. This entails focusing on protein, greens, and healthy fats while avoiding refined carbs, sugars, and common trigger foods such as gluten, dairy, and soy. By carefully observing any changes in symptoms, you can gain valuable insights into potential dietary influences.

If the initial dietary modifications do not yield significant improvements, the next step may involve trying a low FODMAP diet. Positive outcomes on a low FODMAP diet could indicate the presence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) as a contributing factor to your symptoms. Addressing SIBO can significantly impact histamine intolerance and overall well-being.

Managing Histamine Intolerance with a Low Histamine Diet

A low histamine diet revolves around consuming foods that are less likely to trigger histamine responses. This includes fresh, unprocessed options such as certain vegetables, low histamine fruits, and high-quality meats and fish.

Foods Rich in Histamines: Some foods are naturally rich in histamines, and consuming them may exacerbate histamine intolerance symptoms. Common examples include aged cheeses, fermented foods, processed meats, alcohol, and canned food, chocolate, bone broth, legumes, nuts, spinach, shellfish

Foods That Trigger the Release of Histamines: Besides histamine-rich foods, certain substances present in various foods can stimulate the release of histamines in the body. These substances include alcohol, caffeine, avocados, bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes and food additives like artificial preservatives and dyes.

Foods That Block DAO: Diamine oxidase (DAO) is the enzyme responsible for breaking down histamine in the digestive tract. Some foods may inhibit DAO activity, hindering the effective breakdown of histamine. Examples include alcohol, energy drinks, and black, green and yerba teas.

Foods to Eat on a Low Histamine Diet: On the other hand, a low histamine diet emphasizes foods that are less likely to trigger histamine responses. These include foods like: fresh wild-caught fish, fresh organic meats, fresh vegetables (except tomatoes, avocados, spinach and eggplant), eggs, dairy substitutes suck as almond or coconut milk, gluten-free grains such as quinoa and wild rice, non-citrus fresh fruits, cooking oils such as olive oil

15 Healthy and Delicious Low Histamine Recipes for a Flavourful Journey

  1. Grilled Herb Chicken Breast: Juicy and flavorful chicken breast marinated with a mix of fresh herbs and grilled to perfection.

  2. Baked Salmon with Herbed Butter: Succulent salmon baked with a delicious herbed butter made from dairy-free spread, fresh herbs, and garlic.

  3. Turkey and Vegetable Stir-Fry: Lean turkey strips cooked with an array of colorful vegetables and a savory ginger sauce.

  4. Roasted Garlic Chicken Thighs: Tender chicken thighs seasoned with garlic and herbs, then roasted until golden brown.

  5. Zucchini Noodles with Tomato-Free Pesto: Spiralized zucchini noodles tossed with homemade pesto made with olive oil, basil, garlic, and pine nuts.

  6. Grilled Shrimp Skewers with Herbs: Succulent shrimp marinated in olive oil and a blend of fresh herbs, then grilled to perfection.

  7. Baked Cod with Olive Tapenade: Flaky cod fillets baked with a flavorful olive tapenade made from olives, capers, and olive oil.

  8. Stuffed Bell Peppers with Ground Turkey: Bell peppers filled with seasoned ground turkey, sautéed zucchini, and carrots, then baked until tender.

  9. Herb-Roasted Turkey Breast: Moist and tender turkey breast seasoned with a mix of fresh herbs and roasted to perfection.

  10. Grilled Herb Swordfish: Flavorful swordfish steaks marinated with a blend of fresh herbs and olive oil, then grilled to perfection.

  11. Cucumber, Carrot, and Radish Salad: A refreshing salad featuring crisp cucumber, carrots, and radishes, dressed with a light olive oil and apple cider vinegar dressing.

  12. Mashed Cauliflower with Herbs: Creamy mashed cauliflower seasoned with fresh herbs and dairy-free spread.

  13. Stuffed Zucchini Boats: Zucchini halves filled with a mix of ground chicken, bell peppers, and herbs, then baked until tender.

  14. Almond Chia Pudding with Berries: A creamy and satisfying dessert made from almond milk, chia seeds, topped with fresh berries.

  15. Grilled Asparagus with Garlic, Herbs and Liver: Tender asparagus spears grilled with garlic-infused olive oil and sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Food Preparation on a Low Histamine Diet

To ensure the lowest histamine content in meals, proper food preparation is essential. Freshly cooked meals are preferred over leftovers, as histamine levels tend to increase in aged or reheated foods. Opt for grilling, baking, or steaming methods, and avoid using pre-made sauces or condiments that may contain histamine-rich ingredients. Instead, use fresh herbs and spices for added flavor.

Nutrients, Vitamins, and Minerals to Support DAO Activity

Optimizing DAO (diamine oxidase) activity is crucial for managing histamine intolerance effectively. You can support DAO function by incorporating specific nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into your diet. Vitamin C from vegetables and fruits along with vitamin B6 found in chicken, turkey and potatoes, are known to regulate histamine levels. Additionally, copper from foods like organ meats and seeds aids in DAO activity. By including these nutrient-rich options in your meals, you can help reduce histamine-related symptoms and improve your overall well-being.

Key Takeaways

  1. Histamine intolerance occurs when your body faces challenges in properly metabolizing histamine, leading to an excessive buildup and various uncomfortable symptoms.

  2. The symptoms of histamine intolerance can manifest in diverse ways and affect different systems in the body, making diagnosis challenging and emphasizing the need for professional guidance.

  3. Estrogen plays a significant role in histamine intolerance, with higher levels potentially exacerbating symptoms, highlighting the importance of hormonal balance.

  4. Diagnosing histamine intolerance requires a thorough and individualized assessment, with the Kahla app proving to be a helpful tool in tracking symptoms and hormonal cycles.

  5. Before adopting a low histamine diet, healthcare professionals may recommend trying a broader dietary approach and a low FODMAP diet to identify potential triggers.

  6. The low histamine diet focuses on consuming foods that are less likely to trigger histamine responses, such as certain vegetables, low histamine fruits, and high-quality meats and fish.

  7. Specific nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and copper, can support DAO activity and help regulate histamine levels.


Histamine intolerance is a condition that requires a comprehensive and personalized approach for effective management. By understanding the intricate link between histamine and hormones, tracking symptoms, and collaborating with healthcare professionals, you can uncover the root cause of your symptoms and tailor a targeted strategy for improvement. By reducing histamine-rich foods and experimenting with low histamine recipes, you can effectively manage the condition and improve your overall quality of life. Remember to focus on fresh, unprocessed foods, and be mindful of your individual triggers.




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